Issuance of Refunds
  1. The processing time of your refund depends on the type of refund and the payment method you used
  2. The refund period / process starts when FIFO Mart has processed your refund according to your refund type.
  3. The refund amount covers the item price for your returned product (shipping fee not refundable).
Refund Types

FIFO Mart will process your refund according to the following refund types :

  1. Refund from returns – Refund is processed once your item is returned to the warehouse and QC is completed (successful).
  2. Refunds from cancelled orders – Refund is automatically triggered once cancelation is successfully processed.
  3. Refunds from failed deliveries – Refund process starts when the item has reached the seller. Please take note that this may take more time depending on the area of your shipping address.
Payment Method Refund Option Refund Time
bKash Mobile Wallet Reversal / bKash 7 working days
Cash on Delivery (COD) FIFO Mart Refund Voucher 3 working day
FIFO Mart Voucher Refund Voucher 7 working day

Important Note: Maximum refund timeline excludes weekends and public holidays.

Modes of Refund Description
bKash Mobile Wallet The amount will be refunded to the same mobile account details which you inserted at the time of payment.
Refund Voucher Vouchers will be sent to the customer registered email ID or mobile number on FIFO Mart and can be redeemed against the same email ID or mobile number.

Important Note: The Voucher discount code can only be applied once. The leftover amount will not be refunded or used for next purchase even if the value of order is smaller than voucher value.